Two great tools for Twitter automation | Grow your reach and revenue

Cagri's Biz Stack
By Cagri's Biz Stack
Added on Dec 21, 2022
Two great tools for Twitter automation | Grow your reach and revenue

Did you know that Twitter is a great way to reach your audience?

I've been active on Twitter for quite a while now, and it has the potential to be one of the most important drivers of engagement and revenue for me.

Building an audience on Twitter is hard work, but in this short post, I'll give you a few tips on how to get started and build an audience yourself.

1. Show the world that you're worth following.

What can you create that's unique and shows you have credibility? This could be as simple as writing your life story and sharing it. It could be as hard as building a course and selling it on Gumroad. Set a goal for yourself, like sharing your life story, and have a system, like writing 500 words daily. Once you launch your unique asset, you've created authority worth following.

2. Engage with your current audience. Don't focus on the number of followers

A highly engaged audience is much better than having a lot of followers who don't like your content. Who's currently following you that you like to engage with?

3. Try new things and share them with your audience.

Don't share platitudes. Everyone has seen them before, and no one cares. Lead an interesting life and share your learnings on Twitter.

4. You can spend hours and hours on Twitter without doing much at all.

This is the biggest threat of all social media. If you don't create effectively, you're just a consumer, and there's no long-term benefit to it.

You can save time and create more engagement using the right Twitter tool.

I've recently discovered two great tools for that:

  1. Hypefury – The best in the market, but a bit pricy. You can start with the forever-free plan to discover it, and you'll love it!
  2. Zlappo – A similar tool with a growing set of features and user base. Click here to get your extended, 45-day free trial!
Hypefury has a slick design with many pro features

Both of them are great if you're serious about Twitter. Schedule tweets and automatically retweet your best-performing tweets. Both tools improve your writing productivity by giving you inspirational tweets.

I bought Zlappo from AppSumo at a reasonable price and then opened a free account on Hypefury.

Check Zlappo on AppSumo, you should grab it if it's still active!

Zlappo Lifetime Deal at AppSumo

I'm using Hypefury for inspiration, templates, and its good user interface; then, I open my Zlappo dashboard and start writing and scheduling.

Give Twitter a (re)try. I'm sure you'll love it!